Essay 2 Career Informational Due

Video Tutorial:

First, Research careers that interest you.

Then, watch this film:

As a senior in high school, the answer to that question is more important than ever before. You really do need to know what you plan to study in college and what career field you intend to pursue. As a part of this course, you will research the career of your choice. You will then write an informative essay about your findings using 3 credible sources. Your essay must consist of at least 1,000 words and explain your chosen career, the educational requirements that you will have to meet to pursue this career, the job availability of the career, expected income, and current trends of the career. This essay should help you. It is meant to require you to really research and analyze your own interests and choose a career that best fits you.

Your Essay must

-be in MLA format

-include an introduction, body, and conclusion, where ALL sources are cited within the text

-include a Works Cited Page

-be at least 1,000 words


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